Abstract: WSNs are a special type of wireless networks where the nodes are static, have limited computation and battery capacities and have limited transmission ranges. They are battery operated computing and sensing devices. The sensor nodes will be planted in an ad hoc fashion with individual nodes staying inactive for large periods of time but suddenly becoming active on detecting an event. Energy management is a noteworthy issue in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we describe DCSMCL Protocol for power management in wireless sensor networks. We assess the execution of the DCSMCL Protocol, over a sensor network with SMAC and ZMAC schemes, in terms of energy consumed, throughput, End to End Delay and Jitter for varying rounds of transmissions. DCSMCL demonstrates an exceptionally superior performance in terms of energy consumption, throughput, End to End Delay and Jitter contrasted with SMAC and ZMAC schemes.

Keywords: Energy efficiency, throughput, end to end delay, Jitter, SMAC, ZMAC.